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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mommy's day at the spa

What woman doesn't enjoy a day at the spa, right? Massages, facials, hair treatments, I could go on and on. But after kids those days can be a thing of the past or at least a rare treat. I'm an optismist though and realize that most days I have my own version of the spa right here at home. I have five kids and throughout the day they seem to give me plenty of "spa time" whether I want it or not.

Take for instance that pricey hot stone foot massage. I have a cheap version of that everytime my toddler takes off and I chase him across the gravel driveway in my bare feet. A mud mask is another option with said toddler. Showing off his new found throwing skills, he reaches the end of the muddy drive and chucks a handful my way. Nice shot buddy! A nice, steamy facial? As I slave over yet another sink full of dish, my makeup drips off and my pores open up. Optimism, remember? Who needs that professional manicure? As I sit nervously at my son's spelling bee or anxiously await a phone call from the doctor, I can bite my nails into perfect shape. Seriously, I could put a manicurist to shame.

A good hair mask from the spa leaves your hair shiny and vibrant. At my house I get the occasional unplanned hair mask. Daddy thinks it's funny to play rough with the baby right after a feeding and hands him to mommy. Well, I think you know where this is headed. I have to say that though baby vomit may not smell as good as the spa stuff, it definitely adds some shine!

What about those salt scrubs? Now those are a treat! The closest I come these days is running out in my sleep shorts to get the trash to the curb before the garbage truck comes, slipping on the ice and sliding down the sidewalk that was just freshly salted. Ah, just like the spa......well, almost.

But my favorite is always a good back massage. I mean really nothing beats a good massage. When my six year old wakes up in the car after her nap was cut short, here comes the back massage. As she angrily kicks the back of my carseat, I grip the steering wheel a little tighter and pretend I'm enjoying a professional massage, as she rages on.

I love being a mom more than anything, but sometimes I miss those pre-kid luxuries. Why let motherhood take away those little pleasures like a day at the spa? Just slip on your rose-colored glasses and you can have a spa day, too!